Standard Checkout
In a standard checkout merchant needs to post the intial request to hosted checkout page where customer will provide card/account details. Once the payment is verified customer is redirected back to the merchantRedirectUrl
along with the payment status.
The initial request must contain all the required information:
- - authentication credentials
- - mode, brand , type and amount of transaction
- - merchantTransactionId
- - merchantRedirectUrl
Standard checkout request has to be sent to our endpoint i.e. /transaction/Checkout
using POST method.
In our API Specifications you can find a full list of parameters that can be sent in the initial request.
1. Post an Initial Payment
Merchant needs to post the intial request to hosted checkout page.
2. Redirect to hosted page
Customer will provide his/her card/account details on hosted checkout page.
3. Return to Merchant's Website
After payment confirmation, customer will be redirected to merchant's website.
1. Post an Initial Payment
To start the process, merchant has to send an initial payment request to the Server for the Hosted Payment Page. Here merchantRedirectUrl
has to be url-encoded.
Sample Request

2. Redirect to hosted page
The account holder will be redirected to hosted page, where the account holder can fill the card/account details.
3. Return to Merchant's Website
Once the payment has been processed, the customer will be redirected to your merchantRedirectUrl
along with a POST parameters.
You can also check the payment confirmation with our Backoffice Inquiry API.
Sample code for reading the response

Hashing Rule For Request
supports MD5 Cryptographic Hash for the authenticity of payment request sent to the server.
Below are the description of fields used for generating checksum.
- memberId <Merchant ID as shared by >
- totype <Name of PSP>
- amount <Amount of transaction>
- merchantTransactionId <Unique transaction ID provided by merchant>
- merchantRedirectUrl <Customer is redirected to this url >
- secureKey <Secure Key that can be generated through 's dashboard>
How to generate Checksum for request ?
Checksum can be calculated with the following combination and needs to be send along with the authentication parameters in each server-to-server request:
Sample Code

Hashing Rule For Response
supports MD5 Cryptographic Hash for the authenticity of payment response to be sent to the merchant.
Below are the description of fields used for generating checksum.
- PaymentId <Payment ID of the transaction>
- merchantTransactionId <Unique transaction ID provided by merchant>
- amount <Amount of transaction>
- status <Status of the transaction>
- secureKey <Secure Key that can be generated through 's dashboard>
How to generate Checksum for response ?
Checksum can be calculated with the following combination.
Standard Notification/ Callback
Checksum can be calculated with the following combination.
<paymentId>|<merchantTransactionId>|<amount>|<short status of transaction>|<secret key>
Example :
77251|011E1D8A5C034|156.00|N|<merchant secret key>
Payment Modes and Brands
Find below the list of payment modes and brands for standard checkout.
Mode | Brand |